Earn Big Cash By Stealing The Ember Of The East In Red Dead Online This Week
If you’ve got some extra Capitale saved up, this week is the time to spend some on a run for the Ember of the East. If you don’t, the good news is Rockstar will also be rewarding bonus Capitale to players through a number of different means Come from Sports betting site VPbet . Here are all the bonuses you can redeem in Red Dead Online this week.
The main event in Red Dead Online this week is the Ember of the East opportunity, part of the recent Blood Money expansion. If players have the Capitale required to start the mission–and if they can pull it off successfully–they’ll be able to redeem twice the RDO$ and XP rewarded for a successful heist.
Players will be gifted extra Capitale at the end of the week based on their level–10 for players under rank 5, 15 for players between rank 6 and 50, and 20 Capitale for anyone over rank 51. If you need the extra Capitale before September 27, you can get bonus Capitale from Clearing House Crimes all week, while additional Capitale will be available to loot from chests and fallen enemies in any Contract played this week.
Two Contracts will also be rewarding extra cash and XP for the week–The Bluewater Contract and the Cornwall Contract–while completing any contract during the week will award a free Vest voucher and 2000 character XP.
Players will continue to get free fast travel for the week, as well as a posse XP bonus for any activities completed as a posse.
This week’s discounts include 40% off Off-Hand Holsters, and 30% off Coats, Revolvers, and some Skill Pamphlets.